"Knowledge is the Elixir of Life" Emblem

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to SPU Mandi and HPU Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

Zoology Department

The Department of Zoology was established in year 1996 when Science stream started in college. The department teaches 3 year undergraduate (UG) course i.e. B.Sc. (Life Science) with UGC approved syllabus as adopted by concerned affiliating Universities viz.Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla (H.P) / Sardar Patel University, Mandi(H.P). Under UGC choice based credit system (CBCS), department is offering different Elective courses and Skill enhancement courses each year to students Thestudents learns about all aspects of the branches of Zoology through differentcourses taught by the department.

The Departmental Laboratory is fully equipped with modern laboratory equipments like Digitalmicroscope, Research and Binocular Microscopes, pathological BinocularMicroscopes, Medical pathological microscopes, laboratory simple and compoundmicroscopes, bacteriological Incubator, hot plate, Magnetic stirrer cum hotplate, Electronic weighing balance, Rectangular water bath, pH meter Digital, portable overhead projectors, Vertical Electrophoresis apparatus, sphygmanometer, Haemoglobinometer, Microtome, slide projector, laboratoryoven,, laboratory centrifuge, insect pinning boxes etc. The Department ishaving a fully showcased Animal Museum having different specimens from phylumporifera to Mammalia. It also have taxidermy specimen of few Indian birds, fewplastic casted specimens along with few casted specimen of animals forenhancing the practical knowledge of students. The Departmental laboratory alsohas slides of various animals related to Animal Physiology, animal Diversity,anatomy etc. The laboratory also has a small book bank for students. Howeverthe main reference and text books for the faculty and students are available inthe college main library which is being updated time to time.

In Department also teachesB.Com/B.A/B.Sc 1st year UG student the Ability EnhancementCompulsory Course (AECC) Environmental Science (EVS) since 2011. In nearfuture department is planning to make common Instrumentation laboratory withnew instruments for the benefit of students.

Courses taught in Department (under UGC CBCS system)

Please see Syllabus of B.Sc. Life science attached with Department Profile
Course (UG) (DSC/DSE/AECC/GE/SEC) Course Name Course Code Course Outcome Common Teaching Methods
Type of Method Response
Specific course(DSC)
Animal Diversity ZOOL 101TH (04 Credits)
ZOOL 101 PR (02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquire knowledge about various animal phylum found in various continents and habitats in the world
Ø Learner understands about classification and key characters of various animals
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving study of microscopic to macroscopic animals through anatomical sections (T.S./ L.S/ V.S)
Chalk & Talk Method [Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students for easy understanding/chart making as project
Discipline specific course (DSC)
Comparative Anatomy & Developmental Biology of Vertebrates ZOOL 102TH (04 Credits)
ZOOL 102PR (02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about Comparative account of various vertebrate animal phylum
Ø Learner understands about biology behind the development from formation of sperm/ ova to the embryological stages to youn one
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving study of different embryological sections (W.M/ T.S./ L.S/ V.S)
Chalk & Talk Method [Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students for easy understanding of key concepts
Discipline specific course (DSC)
Physiology & Biochemistry ZOOL 201TH (04 Credits)
ZOOL 201PR (02 Credits)
Ø Learner understand the key concepts and physiological process going in various systems inside the body of animals
Ø Learner gets the knowledge of various biochemical reactions having inside the dynamic environment inside a cell
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving study of different physiological organ sections (W.M/ T.S./ L.S/ V.S) and biochemical analysis of various macromolecules like proteins, carbohydrates etc.
Chalk & Talk Method [Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students for easy understanding of key concepts/Project based on any topic
Discipline specific course(DSC)
Genetics & Evolutionary Biology ZOOL 202TH (04 Credits)
ZOOL 202PR (02 Credits)
Ø Learner understand the key concepts of genetics happening in each organism
Ø Learner gets the knowledge of various evolutionary forces transforming the living organism making it fittest to the changing environment
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving key concepts of genetics and evolution
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/e-content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Skill Enhancement Courses
Medical Diagnostics ZOOL 203 TH (04 Credits) Ø Learner understands about the fundamental of different kind of tests and procedures used in medical diagnostic laboratories / hospitals for the early detection of disease and prophylaxis.
Ø Learner gets the knowledge of infectious agents, diseases like Tuberculosis, Diabetes, Hypertension, Hepatitis, Benign /malignant Tumors’ etc in full detail.
Ø Leaner gets the preliminary skill to become a entrepreneur in medical diagnostic industry
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Skill Enhancement Courses
Apiculture ZOOL 204 TH
(04 Credits)
Ø Learner learn about the Honey Bee morphology anatomy, various species, artificial Beekeeping, Beehives, Bee diseases, Bee enemies etc.
Ø Learner gets  the skill to start a Apiculture apiary, knowledge about  its marketable products like Honey, Beewax, Propolis,  Bee- venom, Royal Jelly etc
Ø Learner can become an entrepreneur in Bee keeping industry.
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students/ Project based on any topic
Skill Enhancement Courses
Sericulture ZOOL 303 TH
(04 Credits)
Ø Learner gets knowledge about the Silkworm biology, various species available in world, moriculture and vanya culture rearing, diseases and worm enemies etc.
Ø Learner gets  the  basic skill to start a Sericulture station at his/ her home, knowledge about  its marketable products, profit/ earning as side business with agriculture and horticulture etc.
Ø Learner can become an entrepreneur in Sericulture
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Skill Enhancement Courses
Aquarium Fish Keeping ZOOL 304 (A)TH
(04 Credits)
Ø Learner gets knowledge about the Aquarium Fish keeping as a cottage industry. Along with this he/she learn about various indigenous and exotic species available, Fish food, fish- transportation Fish diseases and enemies etc.
Ø Learner gets  the  basic skill to start a aquarium fish keeping as business, can provide basic expertise in market being a aquarist, profit/earning  analyst as side business with agriculture/ horticulture
Ø Learner can become an entrepreneur in Aquarium Fish keeping etc.
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Skill Enhancement Courses
Research Methodology ZOOL 304 (B) TH
(04 Credits)
Ø Learner gets knowledge about the basics of research analysis, design. Data collection methods, sampling methods, data presentation and use of digital technology etc
Ø Learner gets the basic knowledge about ethical issues, Intellectual Property rights, commercialization, copy right, royalty, patent law, plagiarism, citation, acknowledgement etc.
Ø Learner can become an entrepreneur in research guidance and consultation etc.
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Discipline specific Electives
Applied Zoology ZOOL 301 (A) TH
(04 Credits)
ZOOL 301 (A) PR
(02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about Parasitology viz. Host parasite interaction, zoonosis, important human diseases prevention prophylaxis and control measure
Ø Learner understands about biology of Insect pest of economic importance, their control measures in store grains sections. In additional to above, students and acquainted with knowledge about Animal Husbandry, Animal Farming and Fish Technology etc.
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving study of different specimens/sections , visit to poultry form etc.
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Discipline specific Electives
Animal Biotechnology ZOOL 301 (B) TH
(04 Credits)
ZOOL 301 (B)PR
(02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about basics of  DNA recombinant technology and its applications
Ø Learner understands about different tools and techniques used in Biotechnology
Ø Learner gets knowledge about animal cell culture, molecular diagnostics of certain important genetic diseases, gene therapy etc.
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving study of different molecular biology techniques
Chalk & Talk Method [Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Discipline specific Electives
Aquatic Biology ZOOL 301 (C) TH
(04 Credits)
ZOOL 301 (C)PR
(02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about Freshwater/ marine Biomes and incite specially about lakes, Streams, sea etc.
Ø Learner understands about different management techniques and concepts of Aquatic resources
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s involving studies on different Aquatic Biomes
Ø Student have to prepare  a project report about sewage treatment plant/marine reserve/ Fisheries Institute
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Discipline specific Electives
Insect, Vector and Diseases ZOOL 302 (A)TH
(04 Credits)
ZOOL 301 (C)PR
(02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about biology specially morphology of insect body parts
Ø Learner understands about different insect acting as vectors of different Human diseases
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s based  on morphology of different types of vectors
Ø Student have to prepare a project report on any one of the insect vectors and diseases transmitted
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students
/ Project based on any topic
Discipline specific Electives
Immunology ZOOL 302 (B) TH
(04 Credits)
ZOOL 301 (C) PR
(02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about Human Immune system and its main components
Ø Learner understands about concept of antigens/ antibodies, working of Immune system, knowledge about vaccines, immunodeficiency diseases
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s on anatomical sections of important immune organs and study of different immunological techniques
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Discipline specific Electives
Reproductive Biology ZOOL 302 (C) TH
(04 Credits)
ZOOL 301 (C)PR
(02 Credits)
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about reproductive endocrinology
Ø Learner understands about concept of  functional anatomy of male/ Female reproductive system
Ø Knowledge and hand on experience by performing different practical’s like maintenance of animal house, histological sections of  various parts of reproductive system, practical based on surgical techniques and modern contraceptive techniques
Chalk & Talk Method[Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Self made notes shared with students / Project based on any topic
Additional Course taught by Department
Ability enhancement Compulsory Course (AECC) Environmental Science ENVE01
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about Environmental studies and its scope, studies on concept of Ecosystems and its types, concept of Biodiversity status of India, threats and conservations methods
Ø Learner understands about importance of natural resources and its management
Ø Learner acquires knowledge about Environmental pollution, control measures like laws, international  agreements and treties, Human wildlife conflict and its mitigation measures, important environmental and social issues and dangers of ill  effects of drugs consumption etc.
Chalk & Talk Method [Yes/No]
E-Resources [If Yes Give Name]
Mobile Apps [If Yes Give Name]
College Library [Yes/No]
Any Other Methods [If Yes Give Name]
YES (PPT on few topics/ PDF/ e content shared with students)
On Whatsapp students group
Screening of video clips/ movies/ documentaries based on sensitive environmental issues


(M Sc, M Phil)
Department of Zoology

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