"Knowledge is the Elixir of Life" Emblem

Co-Educational Institution, Affiliated to SPU Mandi and HPU Shimla,
Accredited by NAAC, Ministry of HRD Govt. of India

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav

Code of Conduct



The students of the college are required to observe the following code of conduct on the college campus :

  • Maintain discipline and decorum. Ragging is strictly banned in the college. A student found indulged in ragging, shall be punished. It may lead to expulsion from the institution.
  • Use of mobile phones in the classrooms, campus and library is strictly prohibited.
  • Sitting on the railings on the college campus is not allowed.
  • Smoking is strictly forbiddenon college premises.
  • Perfect silence should be observed in the classrooms, the library and the corridors of the college, so that the atmosphere in the college remains perfectly congenial to studies.
  • Students are expected to show proper respect to the college staff and maintain cordial relations with their peers.
  • Expected to conduct themselves with dignity, modesty and simplicity.
  • Students shall carry their identity card daily to the college and they have to show it when asked by the college authority. Those who don't bring their identity card shall not be allowed to enter the college premises.
  • Shall abide by all rules and regulations of the institution.
  • Must make the best use of their time in creative and constructive manners.
  • Be punctual in attending their classes and other assignments of the institution.
  • Students must endeavour to keep the campus neat and clean.
  • Any dispute must be avoided by the students. In case of a dispute, a written complaint should be made to the Principal at once. No one is allowed to take the law into his/her own hands.
  • Students should understand that the college property is a national trust and its upkeep is as much their responsibility as that of the administration. Therefore, no one should disfigure furniture or deface walls with pencil, chalk or knife marks. Damage to the college property will not be condoned under any circumstances.
  • Must park their vehicles at specified space marked for their vehicle.
  • Utilize free time in reading books, magazines and newspapers available in the library.
  • Students must make it a point to see the Notice Board and read the latest notices. Ignorance of orders duly displayed on the Notice Board shall not be accepted as an excuse for non-compliance.
  • A student will be punished, rusticated or expelled from the college if he/she directly or indirectly takes part or forces others to indulge in agitation or strike in the college for any reason, whatsoever, which in the opinion of the Principal is subversive of the college discipline.
Student Charter


  • Every employee shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty.
  • Shall abide by and comply with the rules of the College and all orders and directions of his superior authorities issued from time to time.
  • Extend the utmost courtesy and attention to all persons with whom he has to deal in the course of his duties.
  • Shall endeavour to promote the interests of the College/University and shall not act in any manner harmful to the College.
  • Neither teacher nor employee of the College shall take part in any political activity.
  • No employee shall participate in any demonstration or resort to any form of strike in connection with his official duties and conduct.
  • No employee shall join or continue to be a member of any Service Association which has not obtained the recognition of the College, or recognition in respect of which has been refused or withdrawn.
  • No employee shall, except by any general or special order of the College or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him, communicate directly or indirectly any official document or information to any College employee or any other person to whom he is not authorized to disclose such documents or information. Any such action on the part of the College employee shall render him liable to disciplinary action for misconduct.
  • An employee of the College may be called upon to perform any work as may be assigned to him at any time and may be transferred to any place in the interest of the College.
  • No employee shall, except by the general or special orders of the College or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to him, take directly or indirectly any official document for information to any person to whom he is not authorized to take such document or information.
  • An employee shall devote his whole time to the service of the College and shall not without previous sanction engage directly or indirectly in any trade or business or undertake any employment or work other than his official duties.